Saturday 19 December 2015

War Horse - Play and Book

For this brief I have re read the entire War Horse book. It isn't very big so it only took me a couple of days and I loved rereading it. It is a timeless children's book, and with it comes lovely, simple and beautiful ideologies that are allowed to happen in children's books. Everything comes right in the end.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


For my one a week creatures brief this week I shall focus on the Orca also referred to as the killer whale.

Here is some reference imagery, as aways the BBC's 'The Hunt', narrated by Sir David Attenborough is also a big source of inspiration.

I did something that I haven't done in a long time, I drew some sketches of it and then I painted with ink on top of that, often these days I will forgo the line work, but in this instance I felt it would help me achieve a more developed image, especially as this viewpoint provides some challenging foreshortening. 

  • They would benefit from some more freedom of media when painting them, perhaps use of tip-ex or just more exciting and bold application ink.
  • I need to start considering more the background and context which I should display them in. 
  • All of these images could do with being more dynamic.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Children's Book Covers

I saw this book in the library and decided to take it out for reference. There is an enormous wealth of old and different covers in here and it was worth a read just to get some ideas about varied layout and composition - especially using more analogue type images, which a lot of these comprise of. I found it helpful to see them as they are more directly relevant to the way that I work than many other more modern covers.