Tuesday 15 December 2015


For my one a week creatures brief this week I shall focus on the Orca also referred to as the killer whale.

Here is some reference imagery, as aways the BBC's 'The Hunt', narrated by Sir David Attenborough is also a big source of inspiration.

I did something that I haven't done in a long time, I drew some sketches of it and then I painted with ink on top of that, often these days I will forgo the line work, but in this instance I felt it would help me achieve a more developed image, especially as this viewpoint provides some challenging foreshortening. 

  • They would benefit from some more freedom of media when painting them, perhaps use of tip-ex or just more exciting and bold application ink.
  • I need to start considering more the background and context which I should display them in. 
  • All of these images could do with being more dynamic.

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