Friday 6 February 2015

Contextual research for Vice

As we will have to create 10 - 15 seconds of either animation or footage Jake and I started having a look at different possibilities of what we can create. 

Here are some Idents/motion graphics that he suggested:

Some are quite mad in terms of skills required to create them which will probably be too much for us, but its good to look at them anyway.


Jarred Hagman

These ones are perhaps the most accesible for us in terms of literal/production Illustration/way of working (not just creating Illustration anymore!!)
  • Simple
  • movement of a predesigned thing, i.e. the title/typeface. 

This one is aesthetically quite flat/basic for what we want to produce, and a bit to edgy to suit the style of aesthetic, but I put it on here for its humour and as an example of the effectiveness of simplicity:

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