Saturday 28 February 2015

Project Proposal - Peer review

Here my peer feedback:

Clarity of the project rational. To what extent have the aims and objectives of the project been clearly stated?

At the moment it is not clearly stated, however there is huge potential - the intent to produce a 'help guide'/fictional characters. Really positive aims - if carefully considered + handled could be a really effective/moving project!

Identified themes and subjects outlined in the proposal. To what extent do they offer sufficient scope for research and development of significant/appropriate content?

Mental health, very vague/complex/sensitive/personal issue. However if your book follows the theme of your work so far the content advice will be delicately approached/helpful/sensitive/positive. Like your water colours, watercolours etc.
Loads of research
Material, websites youtube etc advice. Health services will have free pamphlets/posters up. Your book could stretch to these products too.

Proposal practical and conceptual application outlined in the proposal. Is it clear and does it offer the potential to develop a significant body of work?

Book - small format, lots of pages. Digitally printed. This could easily create a range from these illustration e.g. posters, leaflets. There is a a significant body of work to make.

The breadth and appropriateness of the contextual references. To what extent are they informing the decisions regarding product, range methods of distribution?

Look at other self help guides, for other people to understand. Do you want to spread the word? mass production, help as many people as possible. Or do you want a really beautifully made individual book?

To what extent is the plan realistic with regards to workload and timescales?

More work needs to be put into researching to decide where you want to go with the content of the project however the boot etc seems really good plan with lots of potential and will be doable.

Check out, Jacob Van Loom.

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