Monday 30 November 2015

Bright Futures Research

5 reasons why the world is finally ready to tackle climate change... in 60 seconds.
Posted by The Guardian on Friday, 27 November 2015

I saw this video on the weekend, and thought it was very good. It tackles the issues of climate change in an interesting and dynamic way.

I also watched last nights new, and paid attention to the report on climate change, and the demonstration that occurred across the country recently, and indeed across the world all in advance of the upcoming UN summit in Paris. 

Protesters call for people to consider climate change, and for it to be tackled. The use of fossil fuels to be done away with entirely. 

Eco Activists 'Brandalism', artworks aimed to be like advertising campaigns that raise awareness about climate change, the overuse of fossil fuels and corporate involvement in this, with regards to advertising and consumerism.

These images are all fairly effective at communicating some of the pressing matters with regards to climate change, and how our leaders, and big brands seen to endorse positive work on climate change are perhaps a bit of a con, their iconic - ness being used as something of an appeal to a false authority. 

It's quite a brutal campaign, and its tone is too cynical and finger pointing to fit in with the kind of nature of campaign that I would like to consider creating to answer this brief.

But it does give good food for thought, and a serious issue does need a serious campaign and promotion to get people thinking about it. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Bright Futures

Beginning this brief:

What would make a future brighter for our society?
  • Define our society.
  • Look up solutions and problems that we everyday humans can do to combat climate change.
I want to keep this brief achievable, as I have Cop and so many other things to be contending with, so my aim is to see if I can condense something in response to this down into simple image, that can be the basis for a very strong campaign.

This is one of the judges:


He has a lot of experience in big big branding. Here is an extract of his rationale from his website.

"through creativity anything is possible and uses creative thinking to effectively problem solve."

Monday 16 November 2015

The Folio Society

War Horse

In doing some research for war horse I looked up the folio society, to scope out their general aesthetics for their work.

Their aesthetic:

  • Classy
  • Refined
  • Minimal use of colours
  • classic
  • old type print and text.
  • intricate
  • calm.

The front covers tend to be on fabric, and are beautifully simple.

My tutor was also explaining to me how most of them are embossed/printed in a special way.

I need to consider my aesthetic and what fits in with their tone of voice when creating my war horse brief.

This one is a personal favourite of mine:

The simplified but bright colours are beautiful, and the simplistic shape of the characters gives it a wonderfully lovely feel. 

Friday 13 November 2015

Polar Bears Digital

Drawing in this wasy is lovely as I find myself really beginning to reevaluate shade in a picture, and how you can translate that information into your own drawing.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Travelling Man Opening Night

Finally the Opening night for Travelling man, it was a nice little gathering and it's always exciting to see your work in a professional, out there and legit context.

I recieved some lovely positive feedback,

It was especially interesting to hear it from coursmates:
-'I've never never seen you work in that way'
- 'It's so different to anything you have made before."
-"I think its some of the nest work/my favourite work that I've seen you do."

Here is a selection of some of the successful screen prints:

Polar Bears

This week I plan to draw polar bears:

Last week, and indeed most of my drawings so far in these last few months, I have spent a lot of time drawing with black quink ink. I think my challenge for this week will be to work with some colours and water colour paints, as I worked with quite a bit in my 505 module last year. Pastel colours especially can allow for quite an emotive and sensitive aesthetic, which can communicate emotion and tenderness quite well when called upon.

Friday 6 November 2015

Zine progression

I had a play about on the photocopier with my summer sketchbooks and added some male/female who lives longer facts.

Some quite nice collage is coming through, and the leaves keep it a tiny bit fresh/break it up at least.

What there is currently is quite mad and unclear, but Ben suggested just being more selective and art directing the way I present it, by including some carefully placed negative space etc. So I will have a go at this on the computer tomorrow.


This week I have bee drawing tigers, here are some of my sketchbook extracts:

I also had a go at drawing a tiger straight onto photoshop. I didn't really resolve it to a super refined state, but overall I would deem the experience a success in the way that I feel my aesthetics still managed to carry across onto this entirely digital platform:

Here are some general tiger facts that I have picked up:
  • They live on average to 20-26
  • They are lone hunters, but will share kills with the rest of their tiger crew if there is enough.
  • They are considered some of the worlds most deadly and powerful hunters.
  • They can reach speeds of 50mph when in pursuit.
  • This speed can only be maintained for short bursts however.
  • White tigers are particularly effective hunters as they are happy to follow their prey into water.
  • They are the largest of the large cats.
  • They're pretty adept when it comes to what they eat and hunt.

Wednesday 4 November 2015


I had to draw so many deer to achieve any that I thought could be qualified as good. It was very frustrating and I was tempted to give up but I made myself draw a couple extra and thankfully came to one I liked!