Friday 6 November 2015


This week I have bee drawing tigers, here are some of my sketchbook extracts:

I also had a go at drawing a tiger straight onto photoshop. I didn't really resolve it to a super refined state, but overall I would deem the experience a success in the way that I feel my aesthetics still managed to carry across onto this entirely digital platform:

Here are some general tiger facts that I have picked up:
  • They live on average to 20-26
  • They are lone hunters, but will share kills with the rest of their tiger crew if there is enough.
  • They are considered some of the worlds most deadly and powerful hunters.
  • They can reach speeds of 50mph when in pursuit.
  • This speed can only be maintained for short bursts however.
  • White tigers are particularly effective hunters as they are happy to follow their prey into water.
  • They are the largest of the large cats.
  • They're pretty adept when it comes to what they eat and hunt.

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