Friday 29 April 2016

29th Peer Review

Answers to general questions raised during this crit:
  • Come along with very specific questions that you've got.
  • In terms of physical submission, will have to submit Big Kahuna. Will have to make boards for every brief, the only ones that you have to print out will be the ones for your big Kahuna.
  • Square away other briefs now, finish boards.
  • Project Report presented through Issuu into your blog.

Below is the written feedback I received for this crit:

General things to take from this:
  • Blog posts can be long an rambling, so I need to try and be more succinct. My blog in general just needs quite a bit of refinement. 
  • Good synthesis of practice and research, I need to make sure that I ale my work out of it's sketchbook, and push beyond the developmental stage to think about what I can have finalised to show off at the end.
  • I have a good level of research, the only problem analysis that they identified was that I have drawn a lot of sharks in my sketchbook, which implies that I maybe ned to consider problem solving more, or just document it better as I know from experience that I am liable to not factor in enough time to appropriately document this stage.

When we went onto the verbal discussion phase, they said they hadn't got anything else to feedback, which wasn't ideal but what I can take from this is that I need to smooth out my blog and just keep working, I voiced my concerns about creating the information boards as they will need a strong element of graphic design to them but they told me not to worry, and just to keep focusing on making beautiful shark drawings, so perhaps I can have the drawn element really strong and leave the graphic information element proposed , as realistically in reality there might hopefully be qualified graphic designers to apply my drawings to the right information.

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