Tuesday 19 April 2016

Conservation Campaigns

Here is a link to a very diverse and interesting range of 
Conservation Campaigns:

I was looking for examples of how WWF conservations posters and imagery. I wanted to explore the way that the go about it. They have one approach which I think could be very applicable to my drawings. I could do my illustrations, and potentially even just have them as a stand alone image. This rhino image is a good example. 

I had a quick go at mocking up some of my work like this:

The white background means it doesn't look very high impact, and the text looks clumsy at the bottom. I don't think that this is the best example or drawing of a whale shark to exemplify this anyway. Also it would likely need a link to a website or a relevant page to make it a bit more useful?

Overall though I do still think there is scope to make successful work in this way.

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