Saturday 9 April 2016

Secret 7 Final Boards


Seeing all of my resolutions for this brief laid out together in this format, really highlights to me just how bad they are. Too many of them are floating in white space, and of these white space ones the imagery itself is rarely powerful enough to warrant such a standalone performance. I really should have laid them all out like this together at the time and this would have shown me the importance for background composed images, and how much stronger these would have been. In this series the purple cover for Imagine stands out as better simply because it is not just floating white. I did however put a lot  of thought and consideration into the concepts of each piece, and this I think was more successful - I just must lear my lesson and place equal importance on the balanced aesthetic of the final designs, as many of them really need to be resolved much further. So it has been good for me to apply myself to a responsive brief like this, but I need to work much harder in the future to say goodbye to so much white space. Simplicity like that can work, but it hasn't here because the imagery is not of the appropriate standard. In many ways these images feel a little too digitalised, which is not my practice at its strongest.

Again of the gift card range, seeing them all laid out together made me realise how similar that they are, and that in really commercial card industry this wold not happen or work. Also I should have varied the  size and format of them as cards - getting them further away from the record covers which haven't quite worked out.

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