Monday 13 October 2014

Focus Point?

At the moment I am finding my themes so broad, and difficult to work from them, and find way of making them successfully visual.

I was already honing more towards just looking at Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, and my tutor suggested that I perhaps pick one specific book to focus on. This might be a lot more helpful to me, so I have selected out the book 'Equal Rites', which I plan to go and re read research into further, with a mind to continue my project just focusing on this.

Next Steps:

  • Research and reread 'Equal Rites' in search of new motifs and themes. 
  • Go back and research some more into Terry Pratchett himself, incase I fid some other more interesting directions that I had [previously overlooked, which also might lead to the discovery of some different theme's and motives.

With this project I am struggling a little as I'm not quite sure what we are overall trying to achieve.

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