Thursday 30 October 2014

Lino Printing Workshop 1

I had my first ever lino print attempt, and I really love it as a process so far.

Its quite baffling to get your head around how to go about creating your image. I am attempting it by putting tracing paper of my drawing that I would like to recreate in my lino print - in this case the wizards face - and attempting to change it to the negative shapes that I would carve, and that would therefore show as white when I get round to printing it. This way of transferring my drawing made me pick up on what the most key lines and features of the drawing make it successful at conveying a bearded, severe, aged wizard. Such as the big groves of his cheeks, and the length and elongated nature of his nose. Also I think that the long waves of hair and of course the frown lines are what really gives the face the expression I am trying to aim for.

Its such an enjoyable process to carefully carve out and reveal your work quite physically, it makes you consider each line and their usefulness, relevance and significance so much more.

It was quite confusing trying to change the scales of it, and to reposition it onto my actual lino board, so I drew out some sketches to map out the position and marked out a few key positions in charcoal on the board. 

I'm not sure how it will turn out, but this is what it is looking like so far.

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