Tuesday 9 December 2014

Crit - Pre Christmas Moving Images and Printed Pictures Crit.

Some general comments and feedback:

A list of things our group collaboratively decided need to be looked out for and addressed:


Comment on the practical development of work for the moving pictures brief. Is there sufficient evidence of practically investigating selected processes and techniques.
  • Clever idea of moving pictures - like the way the ink runs naturally. 
  • Maybe make your project proposal more clear.
  • Explain the scenes on blog for people who haven't read the book. 
  • Think out of your test animation, the one created with a paint brush works a lot better.
Comment on the practical development of work for the printed pictures brief. Is there sufficient evidence of practically investigating selected processes and techniques. 
  • Lots of development for printed pictures. 
  • Loads of sketchbook testing and trying out a number of processes and creating interesting surface patterns - maybe blog about these. 
  • Clearer thumbnails of my final print ideas.
  • More contextual research.
Comment on the Clarity with which the development of concepts, ideas and practical solutions has been documented on the studio practice blog.
  • Lots of development - but maybe try and make it easier to follow.
  • Label both studio brief and module. e.g. OUIL504 Studio Brief Two.
Comment on the extent to which the planning of time and resources has been effectively considered in order to enable the production of the proposed work in the time available. (are the action plans and project management sheets specific with regards to workload, deadlines and timescales?)
  • Spent a lot of time developing testing work and technique which is really good! Now need to organise and plan time efficiently and realistically to what you think you can produce for finals.

Suggestions/strengths - Reason/Improvements:

  • lots of visual development  - More contextual referencing to inform development of animation.
  • Lots of print processes tried - tidy up blogging to make it easier to follow.
  • Use of colour and technique works well with concept theme - magical/dark - show a plan of animation 'Planimation'.
  • Clever animation ideas - show a plan of your time over christmas and until deadline.

Immediate Action Plan:

  • rewrite final proposals
  • Blog about interesting surface patterns.
  • Explain the scenes and characters that I will be animating.
  • Clearer images of my final thumbnails.

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