Thursday 11 December 2014

Responsive Board Proposals and Peer Crit

Here was some quite exciting contextual research I found, this is a previous advertising campaign from interflora. It shows them endorsing a slightly crude sense of humour, so this makes me more confident to go ahead with my concept. They have still kept the apperance of this looking luxe with the high quality of the photos, and the general aesthetic of the graphic design, which is what I aim to do.

Progress Review - Group

I received some helpful feedback that helped to highlight a few things that I had not fully considered, both positives and negatives. Such as that I need to ensure that the flowers are much more central focus of my work. I received some positive feedback about my colour and aesthetic choice though, and how it should suite the branding guidelines, which gives me a little confidence.

Review one:

List strengths and give reasons why you think this is:

  1. Plan for Naughty Grandparents is cute and cheeky. On Brand with tone, despite all the constraints.
  2. Given this combined with the proposed aesthetic will make a charming contrast, much like when a soft lovely grandma talks about dicks.
  3. Colour scheme is fitting to brand, mandatories well considered.
List areas for improvement and give reasons why you think this.
  1. Find some famous or talked about adverts in glossy mags, why were they good, did they fit their contexts etc?
  2. Need more thumbs, experiment with proposed aesthetics and colour schemes.
  3. Maybe make flowers slightly heavier focus? In the foreground perhaps.
List 5 questions that you think need need will this help?
  1. What are the people saying in the advert? Try a few things out?
  2. Maybe chisely nib dip pen? Fountain pen?
  3. Like daffodils scratchy.
  4. What will the characters look like?
  5. reflecting audience? Where will they be?
Second review:

List strengths and give reasons why you think this is:
  1. Clear idea of style and colour, solid starting point.
  2. reference of old campaigns is a nice touch, not only contextual but for tone of voice reference as well, how to maintain their sense of style.
  3. Colour is fitting with aesthetic of the brand.
List areas for improvement and give reasons why you think this.
  1. Be clear about specific context: Full spread? A4? In the right bottom corner?
  2. Clear about contexts gives better interpretation of the idea that you want.
List 5 questions that you think need need will this help?
  1. What exactly is the checklist for? It seems separated from the rest?
  2. How will the audience be engaged with the campaign.

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