Tuesday 2 December 2014

Peer Review for Moving Image - Feedback

1 - Decision making on text in animation: Exactly what text is required?

Option B - 3-6 10 second stings: Author name, title of text/s, other relevant information: eg publisher.

  • More research
  • Make a plan
  • Bullet point information
  • Quotations, identify these if I want to include them when describing my characters in my stings.
  • Story board at least roughly my proposals.

2. Typeface of Handwriting? 

If typeface, which one, why chosen? Why is it the most effective choice? If handwriting, why chosen/how will you produce it? If you use handwritten type, it must be clear, high resolution and work with the aesthetic of the image.

Handwritten - play with fine line/inks see which results work best.

3. How will you layout text and consider design? (refer to: use of layout rulers/fades/scale/placement/colour decisions and duration)

  • Combine with my drawings
  • Black + White.

4. Identify 2 research sources of effective use of type with moving image, which will inform the use of type for your animation: Discuss why these are effective and how you have been informed by them. Write this as a clear, concise blog post with a link or a still frame.

Above is Mr Bingo's animation 'Show Dogs' for a programme about Cruft's. It's not quite the aesthetic I would be going for, this is much to neat and loopy handwriting, it doesn't speak of witches and magic and strangeness. It's a good example of successful handwritten type as a part of animation.

Here is another approach to text in animation which I like, It's too handicraft to suit what I am trying to achieve with my Discworld promotional animations.


I would keep my own hand drawn type quite pictorial, perhaps even including little drawings within it, more image as type or type as image.


With regards to inclusion of text:
  • To unite my stings and keep them in accordance with the brief at the end of my animations I shall have the same item of text appearing which says something to the effect of 'Come and meet these characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series'. This is my way of promoting the series.
Typeface or Handwriting?
  • I'm useless at typeface, and having used some of my own handwriting in works before, I think I could make this work best.
  • However the nature of my animation is quite scribbly and spontaneous, so perhaps the use of typeface could be a necessary break of clarity at the end?
  • Either way I need much more research into, I shall have to get on and experiment.
Lay out of text?
  • If I opt for using my own handwritten type then I will edit it in photoshop and include it in my animations in aftereffects, so therefor I shall have quite a lot of digital control/editing options.

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