Thursday 4 December 2014


Project Proposals and Presentation Boards
  • The Ability to Listen.
  • The last two days on and before the deadline the website WILL and has crashed. I must plan my time accordingly.
  • Following the competition organisers, such as DNAD and YCN on social media sites will keep me up to date, and in particular with any technical difficulties that they are having. 
  • Remember that I will inevitably have to discover some sort of creative compromise with my ideas and producing them in time and to the brief.
Most importantly:

  1. Think before you do.
  2. Plan before you act. (so as not to waste precious time etc)
  3. Question everything that we have ever been told, as otherwise if we followed all of the rules to every letter, our designs and entries would all be pretty similar, and that is no way to win a competition.

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