Thursday 5 March 2015

Feedback from Design Proposals

Here is our feedback from todays crit, it was quite helpful and now we have a good set of aims and things that we can work on (see two sheets below):

Here are some of the already entered ones, this is some of what we are competing against:

So far the standard is quite mixed, there is a lot of mixed media and graphic work in there, not as much Illustrative work.

Things that will Set our work out from the rest/ "5 Reason's why we should win":

  • Our work is aiming to be quite reflective of the humours and undercover nature of 'Rule Britannia', it should be more reflective of the brand than the current ident.
  • Better font
  • Interesting things going on, something that each time you look at you might see something new, since it is something that will be replayed a lot, this might keep it that bit more interesting than others.

Organisation and keeping on track

To help keep on track with what we both need to do for this brief and when I drew up and we have been keeping as close as possible to this little organisational timetable, to help us keep in check with the timescales of this.

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