Friday 6 March 2015

Format decisions and character development for Vice Brief

Here is the text that Jake has been designing:

Although he created this, we still kept checking things with each other, the decision on the final font was an included one. A serif font was chosen in the end, as the aesthetic of this was more in keeping with that slightly traditional/classic British imagery that Rule Britannia goes for. At the end of this issue publication are Jake's finished versions of the type that we will include in the animation. The Rule Britannia is hand drawn in three variations, so that the three layers can be put in a little sequence and looped out, to give the text a sense of moving, this adds a bit more interest and life to our animation and enhances the aesthetic we are going for.

Sketchbook Extracts:

Some character development for the animations. A lot of these are based on the gangster that features in the fraud documentary.

Above are some considerations into how we want the layout of our animation to be. The two main formats that I proposed was firstly to have all of the characters blossom around the 'Rule Britannia' text, or secondly we thought we could have the initial text of 'A vice Original series' then use several frames to have some of the iconic characters from the series travel across the frame, until it can finish on the end text which is 'Rule Britannia'.

Here are some more of my sketches towards character development, and gearing towards getting them all into a good animation frame:

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