Monday 7 October 2013


10x10x10 was our summer brief, in which we produced ten images, all to be 10x10cm. I rather enjoyed working on it, because it was all personal things that we're interesting to me, made that much more fun to document and develop my ideas and thoughts in my sketchbook. My final results weren't perfect though, some of my drawings weren't my best, sometimes, as can often be the case with my work, they looked better in my sketchbook, where I am completely at ease, and just jotting down ideas and experimenting. When I become really concerned with making them perfect then my drawings can become a bit too forced, and lose their natural, more flowing feel to them. I would have preferred if I could have made them work more as a set, instead of concentrating on the content of the individual titles of them. I probably should have thought about that in my initial idea generation, to produce a series or set of images that worked together, instead of simply looking at the content for the individual ten titles we were given. After having seen everyone else's work laid out together, this realisation was driven home to me all the more, as many had some very clever ways in which they had gone about their briefs. The feedback I received rather supported this in the way that any notes made, would only refer to individual images of mine, and indeed make quite different points on the different works, further highlighting just how different and miss-matching my images are. For example one image, the one displayed bottom row, on the left at the end, received comments along the lines of, "comes across as quite violent" (this image was n attempt at showing how distorted and perhaps somewhat distressing my vision became when I became concussed. It fell under the title 'something you'd rather not have done' which was, foolishly attempting to jump a dangerously located ditch out riding at home with Dermot, which resulted in him us both falling!) contrast this with comments I received for my landscape painting of my favourite landmark (referring to 'somewhere you found yourself' I explored it one day, also with Dermot.) that went along the lines of, "sensitive use of media" and "the use of colours is lovely". Very opposite reactions to different aspects of my outcome! So for future I must remember to keep in mind how my outcome will work as a whole and not to get caught up solely in the content. 

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