Sunday 6 October 2013

The most stupid brief ever.

Not so much stupid but more fun, our task was to draw or paint on a piece of clothing, or customise it, so that when people see you wearing it, it makes them smile. This seemed quite straightforward at first but complex ideas and designs wouldn't really work on fabric, elaborate detail could be easily lost and most media doesn't come out so well, therefore the design needs to be kept simple. But as one critique note left on my ideas sheet, pointed out, "simple charm isn't easy". and its very true, its hard to make an image that can reach out to most people and make them smile, especially with the constraints of the what we had to produce it on with this brief. At first I became sidetracked with ideas that would make me or friends and family laugh, inside jokes and such, but of course these would mean nothing to just anyone looking at it, so it wouldn't be effective at all. Cats are something of a failsafe for me, they're so brilliant on so many levels. They are a source of much inspiration and amusement when it comes to all walks of life, thats more or less how I came to my final image. Overall it didn't quite work out as I would have liked, although I like the idea of the cat on the swing, I don't feel that I managed to achieve the simple charm of the character. My lines weren't quite as flowing or as expressive as I would have liked, partly this is maybe down to the limited materials that would come out with out bleeding on the fabric.  I also failed to take into consideration exactly how important the scale and particularly the location of the image would be, its not terribly clear when worn, its so small it gets a little lost. So overall I think its an idea that certainly had scope, but needs more resolving. If I were to go back and do this again, I'm sure I'd do it differently. 

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