A day in the life of:
Feedback forms from peers:
General points, brought up from everyone where, to keep in mind that the final three images do not have to be sequential, and that they can be three quite different ides. It is important, as always to think about which idea solves the brief. These should be kept in mind to ensure that we can come up with better solutions to the brief. Also its really important to consider use of media, and how that can affect the tone of your message, So I need to think about how I want my image to feel, which could perhaps be more serious, or comical with seriousness more hinted at as underlying tone? Or none of the above.
My initial Idea generation:

I liked the idea that involved the dogs. The concept to it is that, like the 'laptop warriors' of the article a little dog is happy to bark out aggressively and noisily to much larger dogs when it is within the security of its owners arms, but as soon as you take that away and it is own its own beside the bigger dog it was just barking at, it loses its 'ferociousness' and its big talk and is suddenly just a vary scared little dog. I played about with trying to get this to work as a composition, however as a concept it proved rather difficult to communicate.
for moving on I think that there is potential in the way I have gone about creating the different characters with their various attitudes, but the drawing needs to be tightened up a lot, so that its clear and easy to interpret and so that it conveys my idea as effectively as possible. If I can achieve this then it should help to give to give my solutions good visual impact.
Pointers from my peers were to try to include hypocrisy into some of my images, if I can convey this then it would give a more accurate account of the article. However one actually one quite key point that was discovered during tutorials was that actually all the brief was asking was for was to portray your own response to the article, so it isn't actually necessary to focus on this.
Some of my other ideas were flagged up as having potential, so I can work and develop on these for the next stages. I also need to focus on the composition of my images, how to maximise on the size constraints.
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