I did a lot of thumb nailing to try and work out what I exactly I wanted to show in each postcard, but I did find this quite a struggle, as all of my ideas didn't quite fit together as a set, aesthetically and compositionally at least.
As one solution to the inconsistent images I thought about varying the orientation of some of them, so their compositions could be more matching so that they might work better as a set together.
- I wanted to have one postcard showing her chart of ambition, and how she saved up all of her lunch money for years to buy her own and first boat.
- The second would perhaps display the imagery that she used to describe why she couldn't really finish with competitive sailing and that was that 'Racing was always in my heart'.
- I liked the idea of showing her extra micro victory on Top gear
- I would have liked to have had a general image showing her and her deep love and happiness with sailing.
- I was also experimenting with the idea of showing her dreaming of sailing constantly as a youth and indeed as an adult, she has always remained as fiercely dedicated to her dreams as possible.
My initial idea for the postcards was to show elements of her, or her life that really defined and perhaps even made her the person that she is today.
Top Gear
This I find to be another great example of how much of a competitive, and successfully competitive person she is. This actually is a memory of my own of her, I remember her at the time she broke the solo global circumnavigation sailing record, and I remember my father basically explaining how amazing she was. He used this as a further sort of proof, that she just came onto Top Gear, with hardly any driving experience, and yet she still managed to be the fastest in their little celebrity racing chart. I though that this might have been another moment of her life that almost summed up her very competitive and determined character.
Visual Devices
These are some boats that I drew for the A2 poster, but to keep the series of outcomes that we had to produce consistent as a set or series I liked to incorporate them between the different images that had to be created. I think that it links them together in a subtle way, also it is important that its the same boat, as this was the one that made her as enormously famous and respected as she is.
In my Heart, the dream had been racing
Using photoshop I created this little fleet of racing boats. They aren't perfect, but I like the feel and effect of the slightly misaligned ink splatters texture behind them. It gives them a more three-dimensional feel.
Here is one of my sketches that I used to combine on photoshop to create a more interesting heart texture and image.
Here I am starting to try and piece together this composition, but its hard to get it just quite right.
There is far too much white space, so I started to add some more colours and textures to the background.
This is just getting too complicated and messy, and still isn't enchaining the image at all.
Chart of Ambition:
With this postcard I wanted to try and tell the story of her childhood a little bit, and the way that she spent years and years saving up her lunch money as she didn't get pocket money in the hope to one day buy her first ever boat. she used to keep her pennies stacked on her beside table until she reached a pound, then she would put it into a special tin and cross off a box in a big chart she had made.
This was the best that I could come up with, although it could have actually been improved with much greater initial drawings, but time was beginning to run out, and I was still quite concerned that even by keeping the colour theme the same red, the images just were not going to tie together at all. Some were too conceptual and others didn't look good at all. So to answer the brief a little better, and to create images that would work more successfully as a set I decided to take a different approach.
Final Postcards
Thankfully the dimensions for these prints can be a little bit economic/printer friendly, as 210mm is exactly the width of an A4 piece of paper.
These are the boats that I took to the final crits.
The boat needed a background, so I added this painted texture that is supposed to reflect waves and the sea. Below are some of my efforts at tweaking and fiddling with the layout of it, it feels a tricky one to get exactly right.
Aesthetically these are reasonably nice, but I am still disappointed that they are not so conceptually strong. I need to make them more personal to my person.

For my final postcards I decided to really vary the scale, and this is to be more reflective of my person. Particularly the first image with the small blue boat I find to be a little bit powerful, although I think that now with hindsight I probably should have made the boat even smaller. I like to think it is a little bit symbolic of how small her boat might have felt amongst the vastness of the ocean waves, when sailing around the world there would have been incredibly isolating days when she would have been very on her own in her little boat. I wanted to show the boat at a much larger scale too though, as reversely she was all alone with her boat, it was all that she had. For the time that she was sailing around the world her boat was her everything, so showing it at a larger scale hopefully reflects that a bit too. Overall I am a little disappointed with these postcards, I really would have loved to have shown and illustrated more informative aspects of her life. But I do like these a bit, as they compositionally and aesthetically look nice enough together, I think that they are a big improvement from work that I have been creating in the past. The varied scale is very much still an attempt to reflect Ellen and to keep them very personal to her character.