Monday 28 April 2014

Final Crit for Visual Communications and People of Note

Peer Feedback


 My Self Evaluation and Plan of action

Post cards:

These really are too simple, and discussions had during these crits particularly reminded me, what am I trying to achieve by having the boats all of the same size? This made me realise that I was not effectively illustrating my person with these at all. However, what if my solution could be in this more limited time frame, to vary the views and particularly scale of these boats, what does the scale mean with regards to the image? Making her boat very tiny could talk of the isolation and vast sense of how she really was all on her own when she sailed all the way around the world to break that world record. 


My struggle for this is still the composition, I want it to portray Space. It is a very complex image, and my tutor even said that really it was too complex, but that once again scale could be the answer. 

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