Wednesday 14 January 2015

Music For my Animations

The obvious thing/first thing to think of doing sound wise for my animations would be sound effects or noises that quite literally go with what is on the screen, like some monkey noises for the librarian one. But as they are so simple I think they need something a bit different to give them some more depth. I like the idea of perhaps some different music that suits the playful, humorous and very imaginative nature of these characters - and perhaps the general madness of Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

I really like the idea of using some sort of sixties style, get away/racing music for the Witch animation. It just add's some humour and a strange sort of sense of character to a currently relatively dull piece of animation.

Death Dropped in from his party:

It is quite hard to find the perfect sound as really they are quite short.

I especially want to get across the light hearted and quite different to the cliche sinister grim reaper nature of this character death.

Here are some different sounds I kind of like the idea of:

I found this playlist which is the best for inspiration!

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