Sunday 18 January 2015

Organising my etchings into sets

My tutorial made me consider how my prints work together. My tutor pointed out that already some worked together. So I shall now consider them in sets.

The staff images can be a set, and the witches and wizards hat's can work as a set. And if I have time I will make a third set with the final images which are the orangutang librarian holding some books, and death holding a cocktail stick of party food. My final etching image was an owl in a tree, which was based on Granny and the Witch craft of mind 'borrowing', where she often borrows the body of an owl, which in this case she is talking to the tree that was once a wizard. Out of the final three the owl image fits in the least well, so I shall discard it, and think up another design to complete this third and final set.

The third set is based on some of the characters from the story, Equal Rites, (the more interesting and strange ones!) holding unlikely things. I hope that this set should get across the strange, humorous, and somewhat more light-hearted nature of Terry Pratchett's fantasy Discworld.

I went and re-referred to the book again to find some inspiration for the final character.

I considered using Granny Weatherwax, and some of her strange mysterious herbs, but then I remembered Cutangle and all the roll up cigarettes that he smokes (he is quite a senior Wizard at the Unseen University). The time scale of a wizard and smoking a 'roll up' don't quite match, so hopefully by creating an image based on this contrast it will come across as being humorous,

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