Friday 8 May 2015

Development of Leaftlet

  • I made some tests of different formats, I think that I wan't it to be quite small and hand held, but i dont't quite know what the best format will be.
In the end after a discussion with my tutor I opted for making a square A5 one, as any smaller and the text would be so hard to read, and square is a nice and friendly format which is what I am aiming for. 

Notes on specific audience:

 For this book I will be targeting it at the more specific audience of students, and students that have been or know one effected by low mood, self-esteem and depression. I might even aim it at students of Leeds, as this is the student population that I am most familiar with, and can also target specific places of help at.

Here are some early sketches and a rough idea of content:

It's still pretty rubbish at the moment, but feedback suggests that there is good potential for it.

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MAking of Leaflet!

I was having quite a few difficulties getting my drawings from paper to indesign file. As they were all drawn on cartridge paper the scans have picked up a lot of information from the textured paper which is proving really tricky to get rid of when cleaning up my images on photoshop! I asked my course mates if they had any better ideas than using as to how to go about this, one suggestd using the colour channels which was good, but picked up too much of the texture. The other said to try going select, colour range, and then deleting. This one worked really well thank goodness!

I tried to introduce some colour and texture into my drawings, but they all looked too messy, and the book began to lose its cohesive, simple charm feel, so I stuck with just the line work. 

So to give the book an aesthetical boost, I decided to try adding a background colour and texture. I'm not overly sure about the blue, I like it in every way apart from that it is blue, and that is a colour that can have connotations with sadness, and that is what I am trying to step away from, and promote healthy self-esteem. I spoke to my sister about it, and she said that actually blue and especially blue light are actually proven to have calming effects, and there was a study in a place of high crime in America, where they changed all of the street lamps to blue light, and the crime rates actually fell. So light blue is basically the same as blue light right?

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