Friday 8 May 2015

Information for my Mental Health Booklet/Campaign

I went to visit the collages student support department, to see what help/information they had to offer on mental health. I wondered if they might have a bit of copy/text that I could use to illustrate around. Or perhaps have a more specific to my audience of students take on mental health information. Here is what they gave me. They gave me on piece of informaion about how to help and combat unhelpful thinking, which is something that I have already been exploring, so this reinforces that it is a good area to explore and work on in realtion to students specifically! 

They also gave me a list of local places that they advise students concered about or suffering from mental health relate problems, which is useful for targeting local Leeds students.

In the end I decided that I prefere the NHS website information on mental health, they use much more freindly and confortable terminology. 

I have been listening to these audio clips in 'Moodzone', which I have found particularly inforative and helpful:

Here are some of the notes that I take whils listening to it:

Some of the notes I wrote directly onto post it notes, which then helped me to sort out what information I wanted to put page by page in my information booklet.


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