Thursday 14 May 2015

Final Booklet and final Fortune teller


I printed it onto two different types of paper, to see which is more successful. I think that the cream stock sits more harmoniously with the blue and suits the aesthetic and nature of the lines.The stock is actually quite thick, so if I were to have the tome to further test and develop it I might try it on some thinner stock, just for the sake of considering it's context. I.e. is this a flyer type leaflet given out more freely? Or more of a booklet, which would then justify the heavier stock. I think that I would prefer for it to be the former, as I wan't as a many people as possible to benefit from it. 

Overall I'm pretty disappointed with the quality. I totally underestimated the scale of it, and hence made the images quite large on the page when really this wasn't necessary. The quality of the line work also looks quite shoddy and blurry in places which is a real shame, but not that surprising, considering the struggle I had trying to clean it up on photoshop. 

The production of the booklet is really shoddy as well, which is such a shame, but serves me right for leaving it to the last minute. 

Overall though it's reasonably functional, the content is simple and accessible to all, and at the end of the day I wanted to produce this so that it could be read by others, and be helpful to them, so it's content was always so much more important than the aesthetic, and I did have to spend a lot of time researching and ensuring that everything I wrote in there was correct and from a decent source. 

Fortune Teller

I am much more please with the production of this. The quality of the lines and the print could still be better, but overall I think the effect is good. It could do with either a dashed line to indicate that the square needs to but cut off however, or a graphic design friend suggested to me that I use a perforating paper tool, to make it easily tear off. So I propose that that is what shall happen to these fortune teller nets!

The aim of this one, rather than to inform like was the point with the booklet, it is is to raise awareness and create something that aims to work at breaking down the stigma associated with depression.

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