Wednesday 13 May 2015

Self branding as illustrator of 'human issues'

The nature of the work that I am producing for this project is quite human, and to do with human emotions, endeavours and problems. It was suggested that I might consider making a bit of a niche of this, and brand myself as something like 'an illustrator of the people'. or 'communicator of human troubles'. Those titles are not very nice, and don't give off the right sense at all!

So I had a bit of a brainstorm and looked somethings up in a dictionary and thesaurus, and came up with a few different possibilities,

  • communicating human things
  • communicating human endeavours
  • communicating through illustrating
  • reporter?
  • individual? (this lack assurance of all acclaimed information behind it)
  • predicament
  • quandary
  • human quandaries
  • illustrator of human quandaries (this sounds like I am drawing about the problems, not trying to help them)
  • Illustrations to help human quandaries.
I quite like the last one, quandary is a nice sounding and feeling word. 

Here is my website:

Some development of creating it:

I had a play around with colours and layouts. I love serif fonts, but I decided to make my header a Futura, which is a sans serif font, as this feels a bit more relevant and accessible to all, which is basically the point of this blog/way of branding myself!


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