Friday 8 May 2015

Stephen Fry - Mental Health Research

I think he has a really excellent and origional ways of describing depression and bipolar dissorder. It gets accross something of the enmormous and terrifying nature of it.

There is one particular moment where he is caught mid filiming a documentary on his mental health, he is trapped infront of the cameras, and with the project, he has to force out how he feels, and you can see the physical struggle he is going through. It is very raw and personal. This way of hering about mental illness is probably the most effective at getting accross to those who do not have a cause to understand it. I think I would like to be able to capture a little something of this raw snesitivity in my illustrations that I hope to produce for it. 

"Its f*cking irritating and I hate myself for it". "Ususally when I feel like this I hide away, but I can't do that this time"

Here are some sketches drawn along to it:

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