Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Etching Workshop
Copperplate Etching
Line of sight.
Using the three figure images that we had composed during our Visual Language sessions we got to have a general introduction and practical first attempt at this process.
- This is a process that I actually really loved, and although I didn't quite make the most of it with regards to producing the greatest image possible
- Image is not really in keeping with my topic
- Had a relapse and left my image just sort of floating and unfinished,
- Not nearly enough consideration to frame, or what else I might include in my image to aid this, such as the setting.
I am pleased with my decision to use burnt umber coloured ink, clack is so flattening and I find it rarely makes my images look very successful, I like a little bit of warmth/tone/ depth in my work, that I feel that black completely achieve.
I would like to go back and learn more about this process and the different things that I can do with it/use it to create images, such as using 'Aquatint'.
Line of Sight
As a class we went through everyones thumbnails and made a very fast thumbnail sketch of each of the images, to get a sense of the basic shapes and elements of the drawings, to assess the line of sight in each image. I used red arrows to point out the basic direction of it.
This was the image that I submitted for line of sight:
'Waterslide' 2008, personal work, Drew Beckmeyer.
This is quite a symmetrical piece, the line of sight I would say takes the viewers eye straight up centre, but is brought back down by the crazy water slides, and brings our attention back to the figures in the fore, middle and then background. The main reasons I chose to use this example is the narrative that it has. There is an odd story taking place, or a strong sort of message behind it I feel, and that rarely fails to interest me. Its also a very playful piece that defies the laws of possibility, which is one of the great powers of Illustration.
The Comprehension Definition Task on Line of Sight
Illustrator workshop One
We were given these guide lines to demonstrate how we can create certain depths of curves and shapes.
Monday, 24 February 2014
Final Gif and Poster for SB ONE
A2 Poster:
I'm really pleased with how our final resolutions came out. The whole thing needed all of our group to happen. I like the poster very much, and although it wasn't what we had originally had in mind, I think that this one is visually much more striking, and its more humorous, and showcases a little bit of actual art/craft, with the paper tissue pee, which feels that little bit closer to what we like to do best.
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Poster and Gif Production
This is a sketchbook page of mine which documents some group brainstorming of what we should do for our gif and our poster design.
Here were some further group plans that we took out with us, and used to help us prepare what we would need for our 'photoshoot'.
This is a gif from gifparanoia.org, which is full of realy great examples of gifs.
This approach of creating effects, such as blood is one that our group regards as effective, and would like to adopt.
Also another idea brought up by a group member was to have a go at using the first person approach, to keep our work interesting, and non specific to a type of person, which was inspired by this video here:
Its called 'Smack my Bitch up' and its a music video for Prodigy.
Our Gif:
Aggy and I started selecting the good photos from the hundreds that we took. Aggy started laying it all out on Photoshop for the gif, and in the process taught me more about how to actually make one. Later Emanuel worked on it some more and with the help of Kane this is what they made:
After some further group editing, including playing with the images themselves on photoshop, adding blurs and altering the colours this was what was produced next:
This new revised gif has more texture, and feel to it, its more engaging and fun to watch!
Unfortunately though it just wasn't really possible to fit the peeing images into it, as it made it too long and didn't really work aesthetically.
For a while this was the type of image that we imagined that we would use for our poster, but the flyers aren't clear so it struggles to really communicate our message.
Friday, 21 February 2014
That's Pants - Flyer Designs
Focus Change:
Although our initial idea was to basically target annoying people that you might find in a club, we realised that this would be singling individuals out and would be seen as offensive to some, which is something that is every important to avoid with work such as this. So we shifted our focus onto not so much the drunken people, but as to how they became that way in the first place, and this we realised was more the fault of the clubs themselves. So we began looking into clubs, collecting flyers and promotional offers and looking up further statistics related to clubs. Now our aim is to completely mock the very cheap offers that clubs can offer, and make our message that this can potentially happen to anyone, anyone can become 'that guy' the 'club knobhead' as it were.
Club Flyers:
This is what we came across with our further research into these clubs and their cheap promotions.
We agreed to all create some mock flyer designs each so that we could use them for our gif and photograph.
These are my fellow group members designs:
These are Aggie's designs, her computer skills are really strong.

We agreed that the 'Go Wild' poster did not best send the mocking message about clubs, as this is a slogan that a club promotion might be able to use.
Emanuel's Flyer designs:
My attempts at Flyer Designs:
My designs are definitely the worst. They're too scrappy and not entirely clear. I'm still quite poor at using photoshop, so trying to create some graphic design from scratch on there was a challenge, and for future I've learnt I perhaps ought to give myself more of a template or something to work on top of. In essence it does the job though.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Poster Feedback
Here are some notes I took during the crit and below is some feedback given to us by the other groups.
Points that stood out where that we should avoid making this personal, as then people could be very offended by it, but so far we have managed to do this quite successfully, so its just a case of being cautious to keep this up. In general our idea was liked, and that it was humorous.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Research and Five Posters SB1
Prep for crit one
We had to create five posters that outlined what it is we have chosen to look at, and how we will go about delivering our message.
Here are examples of how cheap and readily available alcohol can be in Leeds:
Research into club flyers and pre existing very cheap alcohol offers
This also includes supermarkets, as well as clubs:
Aggy's research into alcohol consumption and expenditure in Leeds:
Poster production:
Here is our first poster, that outlines the what we are looking at. That Club knobheads are pants.
Emanuel made some mock up flyers for our strategy poster. They are mocking current ones, and offer things like 'come and pass out for 80p and leave your dignity at home'. We used some of the real life embarrassing incidents from our news article research as a basis for these, to further prove our point, and as a shocking and humorous reminder that this is a very real problem/thing that exists.
This poster has lots of flyers, and evidence of the readily available cheap drinks offers etc, that mean people are able to get so drunk and easily become 'that guy'. (The club knobhead, as it were.)
Our Why poster has some stats and quotations, mostly from Aggy's very detailed research into nightclubs and drinking, explains why we think what is pants, is pants. (And the thing that is pants is that people can get too drunk in clubs etc and become annoying or embarrassing to themselves and all, and the pants thing about this is that it's so easy to do. As clubs and their cheap offers makes alcohol and a situation readily available.)
Above is a plan for what we wanted to put on each of the posters, I drew out these roughs of each of them and together we discussed what we felt would be most effective and relevant to put on each.
above is some of my research, on real life incidents of embarrassing or just very bad displays of drunkenness. One of the standout stories was one drunken sports player that peed on a bouncer.
Below are some initial sketches that I did, when we each went away and were to come back with some further research from our starting point of 'Club knobheads'.
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