Focus Change:
Although our initial idea was to basically target annoying people that you might find in a club, we realised that this would be singling individuals out and would be seen as offensive to some, which is something that is every important to avoid with work such as this. So we shifted our focus onto not so much the drunken people, but as to how they became that way in the first place, and this we realised was more the fault of the clubs themselves. So we began looking into clubs, collecting flyers and promotional offers and looking up further statistics related to clubs. Now our aim is to completely mock the very cheap offers that clubs can offer, and make our message that this can potentially happen to anyone, anyone can become 'that guy' the 'club knobhead' as it were.
Club Flyers:
This is what we came across with our further research into these clubs and their cheap promotions.
We agreed to all create some mock flyer designs each so that we could use them for our gif and photograph.
These are my fellow group members designs:
These are Aggie's designs, her computer skills are really strong.

We agreed that the 'Go Wild' poster did not best send the mocking message about clubs, as this is a slogan that a club promotion might be able to use.
Emanuel's Flyer designs:
My attempts at Flyer Designs:
My designs are definitely the worst. They're too scrappy and not entirely clear. I'm still quite poor at using photoshop, so trying to create some graphic design from scratch on there was a challenge, and for future I've learnt I perhaps ought to give myself more of a template or something to work on top of. In essence it does the job though.
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