Wednesday 19 February 2014

Research and Five Posters SB1

Prep for crit one

We had to create five posters that outlined what it is we have chosen to look at, and how we will go about delivering our message.

Research into club flyers and pre existing very cheap alcohol offers

Here are examples of how cheap and readily available alcohol can be in Leeds:

This also includes supermarkets, as well as clubs:

Aggy's research into alcohol consumption and expenditure in Leeds:


Poster production:

Here is our first poster, that outlines the what we are looking at. That Club knobheads are pants. 

Emanuel made some mock up flyers for our strategy poster. They are mocking current ones, and offer things like 'come and pass out for 80p and leave your dignity at home'. We used some of the real life embarrassing incidents from our news article research as a basis for these, to further prove our point, and as a shocking and humorous reminder that this is a very real problem/thing that exists.

This poster has lots of flyers, and evidence of the readily available cheap drinks offers etc, that mean people are able to get so drunk and easily become 'that guy'. (The club knobhead, as it were.)

Our Why poster has some stats and quotations, mostly from Aggy's very detailed research into nightclubs and drinking, explains why we think what is pants, is pants. (And the thing that is pants is that people can get too drunk in clubs etc and become annoying or embarrassing to themselves and all, and the pants thing about this is that it's so easy to do. As clubs and their cheap offers makes alcohol and a situation readily available.)


Above is a plan for what we wanted to put on each of the posters, I drew out these roughs of each of them and together we discussed what we felt would be most effective and relevant to put on each.


above is some of my research, on real life incidents of embarrassing or just very bad displays of drunkenness. One of the standout stories was one drunken sports player that peed on a bouncer.
Below are some initial sketches that I did, when we each went away and were to come back with some further research from our starting point of 'Club knobheads'.

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