Wednesday 5 February 2014

Visual Language - Frame

Compositon and frame analysis of other artworks

Elephant, butterfly and Me.

Initial thumbs for my different composition items. I switch to using ink and dry brush to explore how different medias can lend to this. I like how the butterfly wing came out in it above, but otherwise my scamps just become even more less clear to interpret.

On a side note, I do quite like the ink butterfly to the left, it shows what a great media ink and dry brush can be when you get it right.

This one was my favourite, a composition that showed the top of an elephant, then the very top of my head, and the butterfly in the upper portion of the frame to keep it all balanced. However for this to work I would be impossibly tall, and I don't think that it shows enough of my head to really be able to identify it as a human form.

Here are my more final elephant compositions that I displayed on the wall:

Their Visual quality is pretty poor, and in the top image it is hard to tell whether that is even an elephant at all. They need a lot more refining with regards to both the way that they occupy the frame (particularly the top one) and the line work and mark making. They do both show quite different approaches to displaying these figures however. 

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