Tuesday 25 February 2014

Line of Sight


As a class we went through everyones thumbnails and made a very fast thumbnail sketch of each of the images, to get a sense of the basic shapes and elements of the drawings, to assess the line of sight in each image. I used red arrows to point out the basic direction of it. 

This was the image that I submitted for line of sight:

'Waterslide' 2008, personal work, Drew Beckmeyer.

This is quite a symmetrical piece, the line of sight I would say takes the viewers eye straight up centre, but is brought back down by the crazy water slides, and brings our attention back to the figures in the fore, middle and then background. The main reasons I chose to use this example is the narrative that it has. There is an odd story taking place, or a strong sort of message behind it I feel, and that rarely fails to interest me. Its also a very playful piece that defies the laws of possibility, which is one of the great powers of Illustration.

The Comprehension Definition Task on Line of Sight

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