Monday 17 March 2014

Final Postcard Resolutions

Here is a digital version of my final resolutions that I used for todays review:

Overall I feel that the quality of my images is pretty poor, they are not consistent as a set, and although my original concept was to use close ups of the cities iconic architecture and details, this basically went out of the window when it came to producing these, due to my planning and thumbnails not being of a high enough quality, and my ability to use Illustrator being so limited and flawed. Here is my opinion of how I feel that these postcards went, and how successful the brief was in general:


  • I have managed to create some relatively interesting line work.
  • I've gained an insight into how to use illustrator, how useful it can be.
  • I have acquired a grounding of skills which I can come back to and develop.
  • I did work right up to the frame, there is no thoughtless negative space!
  • I have managed to create images that are somewhat in keeping with how I draw and work (Although I am not so convinced wether this is a positive or not.)


  • Their overall appearance is generally quite messy.
  • Some of the buildings don't really make sense. 
  • The cities are not recognisable.
  • Arguably Burma isn't even an image of a city per say.
  • They don't really work as a set or series.
  • Does the apple for the New York image actually need the triangles? I think that it has become too crowded and unclear because of this. 


In our groups, we came up with a list of criteria with which we would analyse and evaluate the success of the postcards against. 

Below the list of criteria there is another list of things to remember for the future when using Illustrator. The key points where, to make sure to either embed or transfer placed files that you might be using. Another problem which affected may was the effect printing had on the colours, a lot of how it went wrong technically I didn't quite understand, but the general gist was that you have to make sure to get it printed using good quality paper, and good quality printers.

I luckily was not effected by altered printing colours, and was actually quite pleased with the quality of my prints. I chose to cut some cartridge paper that we have in the studio's down to A4 and use that in a normal/small inkjet printer. The better quality stock made all the difference to the look and feel of my prints, and as they needed all the help that can get, I am quite pleased about that aspect at least. 

Here is feedback for my own postcards:

To Conclude:

This brief has been somewhat of a struggle for me, but secretly I did enjoy it a bit, and I am glad to have had this opportunity to at least make a start at being able to use it. Lots to take away and learn from this one. 

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