Friday 21 March 2014

Persons of Note crit

An initial idea's review session where we had to finally decide the person that we would take forward and fulfil the brief about.

I think the person that I will choose is Ellen MacArthur.

We filled in these sheets with what we were thinking thus far, our ideas and potential aims, then put them forward to the rest of a group. My given feedback is in the black pen.

Key points to take away from this:

  • I need to identify and decide how I feel about her, and this will then come through in my work about her and they way I depict her and her life and achievements. (This is no hard thing, she's quite an amazing person to me and has been since I was young.)
  • Focus in on details, or visual imagery of sorts to her. Although I must approach this with caution, as this may not be recognisable enough to successfully illustrate her.

A very valid reminder given to us all at the end was if you are getting stuck or lost, just illustrate the person. Its so easy to overcomplicate these things, but to create the most successful outcomes perhaps the best option just to focus on the person, their achievements and what they really stand for and represent.

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