Friday 21 March 2014

The Photoshop Breakthrough

At the start of this course I could not work photoshop. I battled with it in early studio briefs, and slowly began to pick up skills.

This was the first project that I used photoshop to produce my final images. It was actually one of my more successful works of that time. Just by cropping and adjusting levels I could change rough sketches to finished looking pieces.

I then used photoshop again to produce some artwork for Christmas!

Finally it really came into its own in the 0UIL 405 Visual Narratives module, I used photoshop to finish off all of my artwork. This allowed me to produce final works that were all in keeping with each other, it meant that I didn't worry about trying to produce a perfect finished image each time, and it meant the colours look so much more vibrant and successful. 

End of January 2014, Photoshop and I finally became friends. 

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