Friday 28 March 2014

Development on Ellen MacArthur SB3

An idea for the four stamps that I have to create is to show four portraits of Ellen, but with different aspects to her/backgrounds in each. 

This drawing had some nice soft grey/green pencil work that helped to define the face and make this image a bit successful in my opinion, however they must have been too pale for the scanner to detect, so they haven't really come through which is a shame. I tried to rescan it but there is not a massive difference. Also made a rookie, drew this at a roughly right angle which means that when you look directly onto it as one would when scanning it is too elongated. But all hail every artists biggest fan, I sent a picture of this to my mum and she recognised her as Ellen MacArthur so woo!

 I compiled this research page of portraits of Ellen to help me create my own.  I find that in all of them her expression doesn't change so much, she always seems to have that determined look and outlook to her. This is what I am really hoping to convey by creating the stamps of her face, how through all the different aspects of her life, she keeps the same determined focus, she has the same conscientious and competitive drive. 

Above are some further research pages which I compiled to allow to to have a period where I can just sit down and draw and explore how to achieve my ideas for my outcomes through drawing.

Testing out and noting down potential concepts/ideas:

Some Sketches, I'm trying to get at how she has often described sailing as her dream. Although these drawings all pile on top of each other and its hard to decipher or analyse them at all. Need to let my drawings and sketchbooks breath a little more in the future.

Above is me trying to test out how I could show the story of how she saved up for her first boat by for years saving her lunch money, and putting it into a box in her bedroom once it reached a pound. Then she would colour in a square of a chart that she made and kept pinned to her wall. I find this imagery reflects what kind of a person she really is. It shows her patience, determination, how she is hard working and will make sacrifices (such as living of mask and backed beans everyday for years!) to work towards her goals or in this case dreams. Its this same determination, and perhaps even courage that got her around the world, in record breaking time.

Below, I condensed my research down into this list of fairly key or inspiration moments of Ellen MacArthur's life, to both other people and for her. These are moments that I am interested in trying to draw and use to create a sense of who she is and what perhaps made her who she is?

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