Monday 17 March 2014



This image was my attempt at trying to add some shade between the columns but my control of the brush was poor, and so it just made the image far more unclear. After a while I was even struggling to draw at all with out it jumping off, but I kept going until eventually I had created a bit of the structure that I wanted. The image needed more background, so using the textured paintbrush and the opacity I played about with trying to make some nice shadows for the pillars, and a background to eliminate the negative white space. 

New York

 I really struggled to make the lines go exactly where I want them to on illustrator, so every time I tried to change or move something it just became more and more complicated. 

I tried to make this image more interesting by adding some colour and textures. Here it wasn't working at all, it just covers up the line work and doesn't really do anything to enhance the drawing at all.

This image doesn't work as the three buildings are a very obvious copy of each other. There is too much white space, the composition doesn't even extend all the way to the edge of the frame so the image is literally just floating. its disastrous, but I do think that at least the buildings are a little reflective of New York style architecture.


These were the Temples that I wanted to use for my Burma city. I varied the size and scale of them and arranged them about the canvas size to create a more interesting composition.


Here is a reference image that I used for some of my Edinburgh postcard work. I was quite keen to show off the details of iconic architecture from each city, and for Edinburgh it is these turret like structures and these bricks. 

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