Tuesday 21 April 2015

21st April - Peer Review/Tutorial for 505


  • My drawings have developed a lot since the start of this year.
  • sensitive aesthetic
  • some successful narrative going on. 
  • keeping going with animals as they are a good way to characterise mental health as they are less intimidating. This feedback also supports one of my original rationals for using animals, animals do not have any stigmas attached to them in the form of gender or race differences.
Helpful Pointers
  • Be audience specific
  • Write yourself a specific brief, e.g. an aspect of mental health that affects a certain demographic.
  • Push narrative
  • push drawings, use frame and composition to communicate, i.e distance and the characters facing away from each other to communicate the isolating nature of post natal depression.
At the moment my work for this is quite all over the place, but in the crit it was suggested that I can go down two slightly different ways of resolving my work. So I am going to aim to produce a series of posters using the animals to communicate the conditions. I.e. a range of posters about the different types of depression, that will contain a few facts and places where people can go for help. 

My second strand that I would like to go down is to take one condition, and find a very specific audience and look at exploring this in a little leaflet type book that aims to enlighten and to help those that might be suffering.

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