Thursday 30 April 2015

Progress Tutorial 30th April

Some of the key points to take from my tutorial:

My plan of creation for 505 = 
  • Produce a series of 6 posters, using animal characters that cover mental illnesses more broadly, and would be designed to go in quite general places, such as around universities, or medical clinics.
  • Produce a booklet which focus's in more specifically on depression, choose a specific audience (students). The objective of the booklet is to help those suffering recognise the condition within themselves, and to provide some advice, tips and general words of encouragement. 
  • I should also mock up a web page, one with these campaign type illustrations as a part of a pre existing mental health charity's web page.
  • The second web page should be a mock up of my own website, one that brand me as an illustrator that produces these types of medicinal/guide/mindfulness type illustrations. 
Other general pointers:
  • My work is quite small, so I should consider how it will work on a page when I blow it us to say A2 poster scale. (have a practice at scanning in my writing and images at a really high resolution.)
  • Interactive Flyers: I should/will further extend the depression information booklet to a range of different context's also, such as flyers. I also like the idea of creating something interactive, like including my designs on a paper aeroplane net, that the receivers could fold up and fly around. Or perhaps an origami person, or a fortune teller that could answer questions about the illness. My tutor suggested that these lightened the idea and help to remove the stigma attached to 'mental illnesses'.
  • I should speak to Anne Trusson, from our student support department. She may have a copy of text that I could use for my book, which then I could illustrate around. (Otherwise just stick to using what I have already gathered from the NHS.) But also to show her my work as she herself does a lot of work on mindfulness, and getting people to reduce the stress impact on their lives. She might even be interested in potentially using some of the work that I am producing. 
  • i should aim to really nail the crafting of my images, because the rest will all fall into place more easily once I am happy with my images.
  • Use colour as an emotional and visual device.

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