Monday 20 April 2015

Final Design for Interflora Creation

Here is a little extract from my sketchbook of some early ideas and thumbs. My concept is to convey this idea that grandparents can and do have some intriguing and perhaps even very mildly scandalous or shocking stories to tell. The problem with this is finding the perfect way to a) achieve this in a still image, and b) ensure that the humour is not too crude, and the whole illustration is kept classy and still is appropriate and appeals to all.

Development of the image: 

The background was sitting uncomfortably, so I tried experimenting with ink washes and textural scans in photoshop to see if I could get the image to come together a bit more. The purple doesn't really work, it isn't enough of a contrast from the characters, so they just sort of fuzzily blend in. The idea of using a purple ink wash was that purple is often a colour associated with luxury and quality, perhaps due to it's somewhat occasional regal connotations. (So that it can be all the more in keeping with Interflora's careful mage and strict tone of voice guidelines) it hasn't really worked in this instance, the colour isn't quit rich enough (as for the image to legible the opacity has to be turned down. I tired to avoid this washing out effect, but not to much avail sadly.)

The brushstroke behind the text at the top is to try and give it that expressive and luxe aesthetic that I have been trying to achieve all along with this project. It's certainly not perfect. 

I tired it on this cream colour and texture, and the contrast is much better. Cream is another colour than is often has connotations of being more luxe.

My Final Image:

I am totally disappointed with my final design for this brief, I think that the colours are really bad, a bit frumpy and naff. The characters aren't drawn very well, they need a lot more practice and refinement, however the problem with my characters is that they are very imperfections but somewhat expressive. So the harder that I try to draw and improve them, more the dead and bad that they get.

I am slightly pleased with the flowers and how they turned out, but even they are not half as impactful and inky and delicate  as I would like them to be, here they look rather computerised and flat, and they should probably be even more centre focus!

Here is the proof that is all submitted though, as awful as it is, it is still managed to make it out there to be seen by others. I feel like a failed parent right now.

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