Tuesday 21 April 2015

Moleskin Reportage and Documentary Drawing Award 2015


Entry form: refer to guidelines and terms and conditions
Send with your entry by wetransfer to gary.embury@uwe.ac.uk
You will receive a confirmation email. If not email the above.

Name:  Jessie Mary Broad

Age:  19

Date of Birth:  31.05.1995

Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Nationality:  British

Category entered: Student

If student category, name and course you attend or attended if within one year:

BA (hons) Illustration, Leeds College of Art.

Email: jb251318@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

Name of Project: The real life of Horse Competitions

Description of project:

This collection of sketches describe something of the behind the scenes nature of horse competitions, and aim to show it with less of the stigma that surrounds it. The viewpoints are quite unique to an individual; these competitions are places where, one can notice many little moments that perhaps no one else will see. To keep up with the fluid nature of drawing on location, my medium is of brush pen and biro, with watercolour washes, they can record quickly and expressively.

Some of the Other reportage Sketchbook work:

 Final Five Images That I submitted:

The work that I produced for this really doesn't do myself any credit. There are some nice gestural drawings, that are relatively descriptive but overall they are not bound together by a clear or interesting enough concept. I was looking at reporting the behind the scenes side of horse competitions, but I do not have anything consistent enough/generally enough drawings for my body of work to be very impressive or impressionable. The only tiny little positive is that I did have fun drawing on location.

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