Monday 20 April 2015

Oranges are not the only fruit

Here is some of my development for this brief, since I was trying to turn it around fairly quickly I didn't spend a long time articulating out very clear or legible development plans to other people, but here are a few of the ideas I sketched out.

It took quite a lot of shuffling and then reshuffling to get the layout feeling semi decent, below are the variations that I went through. I played the break-glass for emergency card, and used Helvetic as a font, this was mostly down to its very universal and contemporary but still a classic nature. I tried to keep to not having more than three variations of the type on the one page, although I'm not sure how successfully I have achieved this. I mean it definitely doesn't look awful, but its not something I feel comfortable describing as remotely 'good'. I'm a little out of my depth, but it is very satisfying applying my work to a template such as this!

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