Tuesday 27 October 2015

Progress Tutorial - Ben Jones

I had a super helpful progress tutorial today with Ben. We went through my briefs and he pointed out many things which I had neglected to consider, and helpful pointers for improvement.

War horse

For this brie I need to consider what type of work the folio society like, I need to do some research into them.
  • Often their front covers are foil block printed, so I should try and work more with shape so that this could be a possibility.
  • Go for this brief as I will likely enjoy it.
  • Try to create images that are a scene, this can be quite minimalistic.
  • Research that era, get an idea for the aesthetics of then.
  • Try to keep a cohesive aesthetic, perhaps with the use of a colour scheme.

Travelling man

This really is a bit of a smaller project, however it is a fairly big challenge to me as I am neither very good at portraits or screen printing. He liked that I was trying to challenge myself this way however, it's good to do this.

He also showed me how to go about creating half tones with photoshop and suggested I take a look at the work of a college of his.
  • Consider bringing photograph into the screen print.
  • Include/incorporate some text, quite nice with ink handmade.

Half Tones = Image, then mode, choose bitmap. Then this should give me the option to select half tone and then 'rounded.


I also asked him about my zine as I had some photocopy collage things that were a bit all over the place and that I wasn't sure about.
He quite liked what was happening, and suggested just to just edit it and design what I had so that it could look a bit more professional/successful. Combine some selective negative space and control to give it a designed/edited good vibes. Like Laura Carlin. Use and include some simplicity.

Children's book

Try applying proposal to Pan McMillan brief


1 a week, nice idea
treat like bit of an editorial brief


this could be my big idea, maybe even go as far as to look at WWF, and national trust.

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