Friday 30 October 2015

Screen Printing

I have made some screen printing attempts.

I was pretty excited to print my negatives, they exposed mediumly successfully. THe top of the head outline didn't make it through, I think that it perhaps wasn't properly black, and the text was too textured so the broken textural line did not all print, so the writing doesn't look quite clear.

Don't really like the darker blue colour and the red together, so will try some different variations.

Perhaps even printing the block in black and using red for the detail, also I will experiment with taping off the face and printing into the jumper with a new colour.

Here is some of my screen printing process so far:

It doesn't quite align perfectly but that has led to some really nice colour blends.
The top of his head didn't expose but he does' look that bad for i so we can live with that - and learn to make sure that all parts of my negative are completely black in the future!

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