Tuesday 20 October 2015

Statement of Intent session 2

Key to Good Feedback:

  • Critical
  • Focused/Clear
  • Specific
  • Constructive
  • Reasoned
  • Honest
  • Objective
  • Informed/Informative
  • Appropriate

Some general pointers/notes that I took:
  • Consider your working day, how much work have you set yourself to do, and how many hours a day do you log. Make it achievable.
  • Be aspirational.
  • Add structure and deadlines to your briefs.
  • Balance, need to find a focus.

I got a bit confused and didn't quite take into account how this extended practice module really aims at producing work to go into a portfolio at the end of the programme. With regards to this the session enlightened as to how I should bear this in mind, and consider these points.
  • There is a balance that one needs to find with regards to how varied your work is.
  • A good portfolio needs a clear focus. Whats your specialism? 'What can you do for us?' type thing.
  • This can be defined by your aesthetic and your visual or maybe even conceptual style?
  • But it could also be defined by what you do for example you might just focus on creating book bindings.
So with regards to using your time at this institution for exploration, development and learning, use you COP project for this, to really get your teeth into and relish. This is where you can use drawing as research, and even let your drawing inform your writing.

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