Monday 12 October 2015

Travelling man - Contextual reference and initial Ideas

For my Traveling man Screen print I am currently entertaining the idea of creating a big portrait of grime artist Stormzy. 

I'm not fantastic at portraits so it will take a lot of development to create a decent portrait, but it will be fun and a good challenge to have a go.

Here are some initial sketches and some reference imagery:

  • The adidas jacket is something of an iconic symbol of his, and makes it easier to identify him in a drawing.
  • However colour limitations will prevent me from being able to print that vibrant red of his.
  • I need to explore further into the use of backgrounds, and how best to use my colours.
  • One idea I have for making the most of the colour scheme, is to perhaps use the blue for the face/sin colour and fine/intricate detail with one of the reds.
  • I would like to play about with the lyrics of grime by including some text, as the lyrics/mad bars are what I love the most about grime, they're so witty, humorous and very specific to Britain.

Here are some early thumbnails:

Contextual Reference

Dan Evans:

This artist focuses in grime portraits. He says that he likes to go for the grime stars that have prominent features as this makes them so much easier to depict and portray. He also said that the challenge was finding an angle and frame that was not just the same as photographs of them. This reminded me the importance of using my images to communicate something, as opposed to just creating another likeness of his face, otherwise it might as well just be a photograph.

JME is a lot more illustrated than Stormzy is which is one of the reasons for wanting to focus my work on him, he's also very relevant and up and coming at the moment, so that might help to spark a bit more interest in my work online perhaps, if I should so desire to try.

Here is a portrait of JME again, this time by FunnyTummy:

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