Tuesday 27 October 2015

War Horse

As I read this book this was some of the striking imagery that stood out to me, which might make a good starting point for the illustrations to go within the book:

"Next to me old Zoey leant over her door to touch me but our noses would not quite meet."

"I turned once more to Topthorn, still licking and nuzzling him where he lay, although I knew and indeed understood by now the finality of death, but in my grief I felt only that I wanted to stay with him to comfort him."

Fred said that there was a lot of potential value in this ink drawing, which wasn't something I initially saw myself. He reminded me that the most powerful imagery and messages are often communicated very simply.

I think that I want to progress with these two images.

In the first I want to communicate:
  • Dawning of new
  • inquisitive
  • potential friendship
  • Uncertainty 
  • Warmth of moment
  • Touching (both literally and heartwarming)
The Death of Topthorn:
  • Mourning
  • Loss
  • Misery
  • Loyalty
  • Destruction and harrowing realities of war
  • Death
  • Sadness

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