Friday 23 October 2015

Re consideration of my Briefs

After a brief chat with my tutor, where he flicked through my sketchbooks and pointed out some success in some of my drawings which I would personally have disregarded. He suggested creating briefs out of what I was doing, for example setting myself a 'One a Week' challenge of drawing a particular animal. And even the way I sometimes draw splodges and then illustrate into them.

So I now propose to edit into my Statement of Intent two new briefs:
  • Creatures: To develop an animal each week by drawing them repeatedly and getting to grasps with them, the end result should be a a personal and proficient way of drawing each new animal that I take on, and thus a substantial body of developmental work which will help me to become more comfortable and capable at character design.
  • Splodges: This brief entails filling at least three whole sketchbooks, cover to cover with these experimental and playful drawings. The end result should be a body of inventive characters perhaps, or at least several new approaches to drawing. This brief allows me to explore and investigate the creative potential of drawing, and characterisation. 

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